
Magna Carta


The Magna Carta Viewer allows you to examine the document in detail, read it in English and discover the key themes it relates to.

How to navigate the map

Click on the image to zoom in.

Use your mouse to click and drag the zoom or the Translate magnifier around the document.

The panel on the right hand side offers you the choice of

  • Magna Carta – interpretation about the document or the themes
  • Transcription of the text in Latin
  • Translation in English of either the entire document or the theme you're examining.
  • Audio commentary

How to use the buttons

Minus buttonPlus buttonUse the Plus and Minus button to zoom in and out of the original document, or just click on Magna Carta to zoom in on that position.

Translate buttonThe Translate button brings up a magnifying glass that changes the area underneath the glass into English.

Show me selectorShow Me selector allows you to pick a theme such as Justice, Peace… from the drop down list. You’ll now see which clauses in Magna Carta relate to each theme.
You can again zoom in to read the Latin original, or use the magnifying glass to read it in English.

Reset buttonReset will revert back to your last move (for instance zooming out if you zoomed in or removing the translation).